31 Days of Halloween in London - Queen's House

18 Jan 2020
Published in London
Views 3892

There's no better place than London to celebrate 31 days of Halloween

Built between 1616 and 1635 Queen's House located in Greenwich Park is a former royal residence.  It was built on commission by King James 1 for his wife, Anne of Denmark by way of apology after he cursed at her after she accidentally killed his favourite dog during a hunt.

Like most prominent homes it is also believed to be haunted.

In 1966 a Canadian Reverend visited the house with his wife and took a photo of the Tulip Staircase it was only once he had developed the photos that he spotted an ethereal figure on the staircase pursuing a second ghostly image.

Many people have reported seeing strange occurrences at the Tulip Staircase, doors opening by themselves, ghostly figures appearing one second and completely disappearing the next.






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