London's top 10 safest boroughs

17 Mar 2013
Published in Crime
Views 231761

We take a look at which of London's boroughs are the safest for you and your family

London is a great city. Like most of the world's largest cities, London of course has its fair share of crime but honestly if you stay vigilant and sensible you will be very unlikely to fall victim to crime.

London's crime rate have fallen year after year, particularly in the last ten years or so but it is not crime free. So, if you want to be particularly cautious when finding a place to live in the UK's capital city follow this guide to find the safest of the safe.

1. Richmond upon Thames

Richmond upon Thames only just comes out in first place as London's safest borough. Here is a breakdown of crimes in Richmond upon Thames:

CrimeRichmond upon ThamesLondonEngland
per 1000per 1000 per 1000
All crime 54 93 64
Violent crime 17 32 22
Common assualt 3 6 4
Burglary 11 13 10
Vandalism 8 11 13
Robbery & theft 2 9 3
Vehicle 7 14 8
Disorder 3 6 3


2. Bexley

I'm surprised at Bexley being number two in London's safest boroughs since I remember it being a bit worrying when I used to go out there in my younger days. However, like most of South East London has really improved over the years and become one of the safest places in London.

per 1000 per 1000per 1000
All crime 56 93 64
Violent crime 19 32 22
Common assualt 3 6 4
Burglary 8 13 10
Vandalism 9 11 13
Robbery & theft 2 9 3
Vehicle 8 14 8
Disorder 4 6 3


3. Sutton

Sutton is leafy suburb in the South West of London. It is fairly quiet so not surprising that it has the third lowest crime rates in London.

per 1000per 1000 per 1000
All crime 57 93 64
Violent crime 18 32 22
Common assualt 3 6 4
Burglary 8 13 10
Vandalism 9 11 13
Robbery & theft 2 9 3
Vehicle 11 14 8
Disorder 2 6 3


4. Kingston upon Thames

Kingston upon Thames is on the doorstop of Richmond upon Thames so maybe it is not too shocking that it also scores very highly as one of London's safest boroughs.

CrimeKingston upon ThamesLondonEngland
per 1000per 1000 per 1000
All crime 57 93 64
Violent crime 23 32 22
Common assualt 4 6 4
Burglary 8 13 10
Vandalism 9 11 13
Robbery & theft 4 9 3
Vehicle 5 14 8
Disorder 2 6 3


5. Harrow

Harrow is a suburban borough in North West London and so will be the place of choice if safety is your chief concern when finding a place to live in London.

per 1000per 1000 per 1000
All crime 63 93 64
Violent crime 21 32 22
Common assualt 4 6 4
Burglary 11 13 10
Vandalism 7 11 13
Robbery & theft 4 9 3
Vehicle 9 14 8
Disorder 4 6 3


6. Bromley

Bromley is a leafy suburb in the South East of London, it has fast transport into Central London but with all the safety of a suburban community town. A wise choice if you are a family who places safety at the top of their list of priorities.

per 1000per 1000 per 1000
All crime 64 93 64
Violent crime 23 32 22
Common assualt 3 6 4
Burglary 10 13 10
Vandalism 9 11 13
Robbery & theft 3 9 3
Vehicle 9 14 8
Disorder 5 6 3


7. Merton

Merton places at number seven in the list of London's top 10 safest boroughs. Here is a break down of crimes committed in the borough:

per 1000per 1000 per 1000
All crime 66 93 64
Violent crime 21 32 22
Common assualt 4 6 4
Burglary 12 13 10
Vandalism 9 11 13
Robbery & theft 4 9 3
Vehicle 10 14 8
Disorder 3 6 3


8. Havering

Number eight in the list is Havering, a borough way out North East of London approaching the M25 orbital motorway.

per 1000per 1000 per 1000
All crime 67 93 64
Violent crime 23 32 22
Common assualt 4 6 4
Burglary 10 13 10
Vandalism 9 11 13
Robbery & theft 3 9 3
Vehicle 11 14 8
Disorder 4 6 3


9. Barnet

Ninth is Barnet, a suburban development way out to the North of London.

per 1000 per 1000per 1000
All crime 68 93 64
Violent crime 19 32 22
Common assualt 4 6 4
Burglary 14 13 10
Vandalism 8 11 13
Robbery & theft 5 9 3
Vehicle 12 14 8
Disorder 3 6 3


10. Enfield

Bordering Barnet, Enfield shares the same low rate of crime making this North London suburb the tenth safest borough of London.

per 1000per 1000 per 1000
All crime 74 93 64
Violent crime 22 32 22
Common assualt 4 6 4
Burglary 12 13 10
Vandalism 10 11 13
Robbery & theft 6 9 3
Vehicle 14 14 8
Disorder 3 6 3



So out of the 33 boroughs of London, the 10 displayed above are the safest according to our data held on crime in London. These will be the boroughs to look at if safety is your only concern.

If you wish to rank locations in London or elsewhere in the UK by more than just crime such as age groups, schools and many more criteria please take a look at findahood's very own tool that will find your perfect neighbourhood.

What do you think?

Do you live in or been to any of these areas? What do you think of these safest boroughs? Does where you live feel safe? Let us know with the comment box below.

What about the dangerous areas? Have a read of London's 10 most dangerous boroughs
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